Something Julian made me realise is how much I’ve not put on here lol I usually put everything on my Instagram but hey ho.
So, sound proofing, sound treatment, deep dive, front doors. I’ll add to this over the next few days as I can go into detail. As with everything, there’s a lot of different options and price variations on products available. I’ve used the best performing products from testing I’ve done myself that suits my needs.
Parts I’ve used.
Butyl rope 5mtr (2mtr per door)
Silent Coat 5mm multi layer deadening (5 sheets per door)
Dodo Thermoliner pro 15mm (1mtr per door)
Silent Coat 2mm deadening (5 sheets per door)
CTK Elastic ccf 6mm (1mtr per door)
22oz Polyester wadding (1mtr per door)
14mm D-Rubber (5mtr per door)
First, strip the door down to a bare frame, thoroughly clean all surfaces with isopropyl alcohol. DO NOT use acetone as it’ll run out of the water drains and destroy your paint.
On the outer cross brace, warm the butyl rope and push it firmly along the length of the brace use making sure it gets in the gaps. This is to stop the resonance between the two pieces.
On the outer door panel, make templates of the shapes needed to cover the panel with the largest pieces of deadening possible. This is important because deadening mat is most effective in large pieces. Apply the deadening mat warm.
Tape the templates for the deadening to shape one above and one below the brace bar. Use aluminium foil tape to seal all edges and joints.