How it started

Got rid of that chrome and had the door handels,rub strips,bumpers,mirrors and bonnet painted,and cut that ariel down for now(later replaced)

Then of to grm in northampton for some much needed lows

Sits better and dosent look terrible on them wheels really

Then split my bbs wheels and had a few issues with bolts but got it sorted,and sent the barrels faces and centre caps of for a refurb along with 4 new tyres to fit.the wheels were done but as the company I use dosent build splits they were worried the tyre machine may damage the barrel and they couldent balance them anyway,so of to pick them up then go build them up then to a tyre shop to fit the tyres.and finally there on!

Well pleased with it,plans have slowed down abit now as I’ve just been made redundant,but I have got some gaz gold rear shocks to fit so I can replace the soft as s**t stance plus ones,
And I desperately won’t a side rail and side rail cover,and I’m gonna paint the badges black,and get rid of them drl fog light covers,and get a trip stalk fitted and Oem cruise control stalk as it has aftermarket cruise when funds allow.
Long term plans I’d like to fit a dark side 3” dpf delete pipe and a exhaust to make it have a bit of noise.
Then maybe a bigger turbo and a remap