So, back after a couple of years to start a project. Picked up a new van on Wednesday from Grimsby and drove it back to Ayr. It’s a 2.0 tdi 6 speed. Really wanted it for the colour and engine box so the other issues I’ll put up with and resolve improve over time. First wash today although the weather isn’t great but at least it’s given me a chance to see where I need to spend some time. Paintwork, panel fitment ( front passenger wing and bonnet ) and then I can concentrate on the modifications. Here she is
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Last edited by craigroco on Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
First modification purchased today, eibach -60mm springs and shackle kit. Booked in on Tuesday for MOT and anything else that’s needing done ( like my clutch pedal and system bled ) so hopefully he has enough time to fit the kit
So, first few mods, done, arrived and on route. Private Plate fitted, suspension kit arrived, but not getting fitted for a few weeks yet ( my mechanic mate is waiting to go into hospital for a minor op ) and i bought a leather multifunction steering wheel last night for £40. No airbag but hopefully mine will fit and I'll need a slip ring once i get the part number. On the plus side, my mechanic mate only just informed me he has VAGcom for coding ( although he's only done towbars for Touaregs on it so far ) so should be fun playing about with it in the coming months.
Finally got my suspension kit fitted but also bought new Bilstein struts front and back, new drop links, top mounts etc too. Also managed to get the wheels and tyres on eventually.
Also in other news, after trying clutch fluid flush, then new master cylinder which again made no difference I had to get a new slave cylinder fitted Whilst the box was off new clutch and flywheel too. Can’t be anything left to do now