Today's effort was trying to pin back in some of the DSG gear.
I had my first moments that I was in over my head with the wiring, but after half hour of overthinking it I went back to basics and went one pin at a time, and instead of stressing over stripping the loom completely back, ill patch in what I can where I need to.
Power wise I decided to go a bit of a lazy option and created a few new circuits using the EOS as a donor for the fuse connectors and the fuses themselves, instead of disturbing things in the caddy that already worked, ive documented them to pop in the service booklet in case I ever have to diagnose it.
In the engine bay ill hopefully just patch into what's already there in the high fuse box.
So what I achieved patching today
Laid in the wiring Ito the areas ahead of patching.
Canbus high and low for DSG
Canbus High and low for selector
Switched 12v for the selector
Switched 12v for the dsg
Full time 12v for the selector
Switched 12v for the MAF
New fuses for most of the above
Removed the dash bar to get access to all of the above.
Pinned in the ecu connection for the fuel pump controller.
Still have the remainder of the fuel pump controller to patch in, there's some power wiring which will be easily sorted as it already patched into the same areas on the eos as what I did today.
I also need to look into the pin location on the BCM for the DSG version of my caddy as the pin location on the BCM isn't the same (stupid me hadnt checked that given I was coming from a manual)
Also investigated why my petrol fuel tank seemed to be missing a location for the charcoal cannister, seems like the wreckers damaged the on tank charcoal cannister, which is ok as I have a charcoal cannister up front, so ill remove the on tank one, and plumb into the filler neck portion instead.
I also need to add the additional cable from the SWCM to the ecu for the cruise control to function, just have to investigate that too.
Kinda wishing I went manual instead of DSG for my first conversion as I can see how I would of already been done and driving it if I had of

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2013 Caddy Runner- 66KW manual- 2007 SWB Diesel- currently being converted to TFSI