There seems to be a hundred little jobs and for me at least, some uncertainty when it comes to the bigger jobs. This is one of those milestone tasks started.
For anyone thinking of doing the same, it's these decisions that can cause procrastination.
Do I go for the smooth panel look
Do I add windows to the back
Do I carpet the window recesses or add a separate panel
Where do I want lights, sockets etc
Do I have to cover every little hole in tape
Do I accommodate a breather hole for the rear vents
And a hundred more besides.
So what's the plan.
As you can see I am keeping the panels for the wiring access separate. As I'm adding sockets there anyway and it's really useful to be able to access these for maintenance.
You might note there is no insulation in the window panel. The reason is that I am adding an insulated panel on top of that and the wires hanging down will be for an illuminated VW badge or task light. That will fit in the void